Das illustrierte "supreme comic masterpiece, Jorrocks"
(Surtees, Robert Smith).
Handley Cross; or, Mr. Jorrocks's Hunt.
By the author of "Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour," "Ask Mamma," etc. etc. With illustrations by John Leech. London, Bradbury and Evans, 1854
Autor und Titel
(Surtees, Robert Smith). Handley Cross; or, Mr. Jorrocks's Hunt. By the author of "Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour," "Ask Mamma," etc. etc. With illustrations by John Leech.
London, Bradbury and Evans, 1854
Kollation / Illustration
XV, 578, [2] S. Mit Titelvignette, 30 Textholzschnitten und 17 kolorierten Stahlstich-Tafeln von John Leech.
OLeinen mit reicher szenischer Rücken- und Vorderdeckelvergoldung (Kapitale etwas abgeschürft, leicht bestoßen, minimal beschabt, leicht verblasst).
eines der berühmtesten englischen Bücher über die Fuchsjagd von dem Verleger, Novellisten R. S. Surtees (1805–1864), dessen Spezialität die frühe Sportberichterstattung und deren literarische Verwertung war. "Surtees's range was limited, his style often clumsy and colloquial. Even in the better-constructed novels the plots are loose and discursive. Nevertheless, his sharp, authentic descriptions of the hunting field have retained their popularity among fox-hunters ... Among a wider public his mordant observations on men, women, and manners; his entertaining array of eccentrics, rakes, and rogues; his skill in the construction of lively dialogue (a matter over which he took great pains); his happy genius for unforgettable and quotable phrases; and above all, his supreme comic masterpiece, Jorrocks, have won him successive generations of devoted followers. Although his proper place among Victorian novelists is not easy to determine, his power as a creative artist was recognized, among professional writers, by Thackeray, Kipling, Arnold Bennett, and Siegfried Sassoon, and earned the tributes of laymen as distinguished and diverse as William Morris, Lord Rosebery, and Theodore Roosevelt." (Norman Gash, Robert Smith Surtees, 2004). Kongenial illustrierte der begabte Karikaturist John Leech (1817-1864), einer der Hauptautoren der englischen Satirezeitschrift Punch, das Werk auf geistreiche, bissige Weise in eindrucksvollen Holzschnitten sowie in 17 minutiös handkolorierten Tafeln, die das Werk auch zu einem interessanten Buch für Pferdeliebhaber macht.
Bibliographische Angaben
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